A new horizon

Funderingar — Tags: — @ 12 November, 2012 - Comments Off on A new horizon

Well, time flies faster than we know it sometimes. I remeber when I stood there and look out over the open field and the red cliffs rising from the ground like if someone had just pushed them straight up. Slowly during eons of time the forces of nature have shaped them to what they are today. Each second counting and meaning something. Yet, we humans run around here for a short period of time thinking we are the most important happening ever.

Raise your view from your own feet and at least look more than one feet ahead of you when walking down the path of your life. Realise that you’re not alone out there, and what you do will give an impact in other peoples lives.

I stood there and just took it all in, that day. I a few seconds the world stopped spinning in my world. How can something be that beautiful?

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