Heavy rain on metal roof = not much sleep

Funderingar,Nepal — Tags: — @ 16 April, 2010 - Comments Off on Heavy rain on metal roof = not much sleep

  I woke up tonight of a real intense rain hammering down on the roof of the guest house I’m staying in. After a while I managed fall a sleep again and then I went up at seven. I had made an appointment to go and visit a collage just next to UDTC, but with some problem in understanding each other about where we were going to meet up in the morning it started of in the wrong way. I finally got down to the gate at the collage and there my contact was waiting for me.

  It was interesting to see this collage and be guided around. It is a governmental collage and it has the second largest library next to the one in Kathmandu. I can just say that the library at BTH in Karlskrona is bigger than this one, and it says just some about the big differences between our two countries. Sometimes it is really hard to understand the big differences. It is hard to arrive to one of the worlds least developed countries with a GDP of about 280 US dollars, from a country which have a GDP of 48000 US dollars. I know that GDP is only numbers, but the reality is also shown in everything around me. It will take me some time to really adapt to this difference. When I left the collage I had to pass through a student demonstration that had blocked of the road outside the collage. I just kept a low profile as possible (if that even is possible when I’m almost two metres tall and blond hair).

  All around me I see things that in a way can be useful for my thesis, but I have to filter what I see carefully. I can’t just throw in everything I see just because I think it can be useful. Right now I think of how they handle garbage here in Nepal. I saw some efforts in Kathmandu to gather it, but then I don’t know what else they did with it. If they take it to a deposit station, or just throw it around the corner and burn it. I seen it in many places along the streets that they just gather it in smaller piles and then set fire to it. It’s better to burn the garbage than to leave it everywhere, but what if they had a power station that burned the garbage, purified the fumes as much as possible, and produced electricity at the same time. We have those types of power stations in Sweden, so I would say that that is a possible way of aid they might need. Then perhaps people could get paid in some way (money or goods) for every kg of garbage they supplied the power station with. Just some ideas that starts spinning around in my mind when I look around here.


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