photo,Skola,Thesis,Vardag — Tags: — @ 25 March, 2010 - Comments Off on A STRANGE FAREWELL
– The world is turning green once more…

  Yesterday I attended some presentation of thesises (spelling?) that some friend had. While there I ran into an old friend from my first years of studies here, so in the evening I threw together a dinner and we had to recap alot of things. After dinner we went to the city centre where some other friends had a moving-away-farewell-dinner for my neighbour.

  It just feels so wierd that she is moving away. After all these years she has been living here. And now, on Saturday, she will be gone. It’s hard to cope with, but I have to, because she has sold her apartment, packed all her stuff into the small half-cute boxes, and there is another person moving into her apartment after she is gone.

  And in all this I have to focus on my thesis. Write write and write even more, and read read read read. It never ends. And prepare the questions for the interviews during the field study, and everything else I have to do while in the area.

  But everything is not hard and feels difficult. I picked up my new “baby” yesterday. Well.. that’s my new camera for you who know me. The thesis is just a bad excuse to buy a new toy, but I think it is ok because the old one has served me well for the last three years. Sometimes it’s time to let go of the old and focus on the new. But that’s just so much easier when it comes to “things” than “friends”. But friends are still there.. no matter how far away you are.

  Edit at 16.30 – I took the photo on the way back to my apartment from school. Feels almost strange with 14° C in the shade and sunshine. But yes, I like it.


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