Final reflections

Funderingar,Nepal,photo,Thesis — Tags: — @ 18 May, 2010 - Comments Off on Final reflections

  I’ve just stood out in the grass feeling the ants tickling my feet while I enjoyed the sun setting over the hills. And then I realised how lucky I am who have taken the possibility to come here to Nepal, and while doing some form of thesis-work, enjoying this amazing country.

[slide] Some of all memories

  Of course Nepal is in need of help, and now I say “of course” because that’s the truth. As one of the worlds least developed countries, and with so many challenges Nepal is in great need of help. I’ve seen it in so many places. But that’s not the reason why I’m so grateful and happy to be here.

  No, I felt while standing outside with the camera and enjoying the sun set, that it’s all the small things that in a way disturbed me in the beginning is the important ones. Like the sound of the honking buses passing on the street. The sound of the fan spinning in the middle of the night if there is electricity and I wake up. The sound of the birds squeaking outside my windows early every morning. The people who look at me when I go running like I’m sort of alien. The people out in the rural villages that welcome me into their homes as a guest. The wind in my face while riding a scooter in the Pokhara traffic. The sound of the monks praying in the temple when I pass them in the morning light. The taxi drivers who want to take me to Lakeside every time they pass me. The feeling of hot rice on my fingertips while eating dinner in the Nepali with my bare hand. The sun rays hitting the peaks of Annapurna and Machhapuchhre in the morning.

  All those things. That’s the thing that means most for me. All those small small things. I’m just grateful.

  When you read this, I’m on my way home, somewhere between Kathmandu and Karlskrona. I’ve left this country, that has been my home for almost six weeks, where I’m right now sitting on “my” bed writing. It’s been an adventure. Years ago I would never think I would do something like this on my own. I do remember how me and a class mate talked about doing our thesis together, but then I went away for one year, making that plan impossible. And I had planned on what to write my thesis about when this year started, and now I’ve spent 6 amazing weeks in this country, which definitely wasn’t in my plan.

  Yes, Gunnar at the institution at BTH was right when he said it only would be cold water in the shower. And I will never really get used to that, but it’s just to focus and adapt. Cold showers early in the morning will never be my favourite, but still it’s just cold water.

  And yes once more. I’m sad over leaving. But I have to. I have other obligations back in Sweden I have to take care about. But there are also things I miss from back home. Family and friends. And food. Even how tasteful dhalbaat can be, I can honestly say that I am a bit tired of eating rice twice every day. And just as well as I know I am tired of it, I know I will miss it after a while back home.

  Among the strongest memories I have is after walking from Ghachok, up over Armala, down past Revvan and then up to Lwang, just to see how the sun is setting over the peak Machhapuchhre, well, photos can’t make up for it. It’s just memories I’ll bring with me where ever I go from now on.

  All you who have read this blog, I hope you have found it worth some of your time. This has been my “breathing hole” where I have been able to let my mind run free. I will not thank you for reading, but I do wish you feel you might have a better knowledge about what Nepal is all about now, than before. I have no intention in trying to say that this the one true picture of Nepal, but it’s one of many.

  I will continue to write here when I’m back in Sweden, as my thesis isn’t finished yet. Perhaps this site can motivate me to write harder and focus more on the thesis when I get home, than just focusing on relaxing.

  Leaving on a jet plane… don’t know when I’ll be back again…


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